Another fantastic Climate Change Crock of the Week from Peter Sinclair. Add Peter's youtube channel, here;
We've heard a lot of talk lately from deniers that cold temperatures are proof that there is no such thing as global waming.
It looks like it will be an...
ClimateGate, GlacierGate, AmazonGate, PachauriGate...

Proof of the global warming hoax at last? Or some minor misbehavior and the occasional sloppy citation?

Just the usual messiness of the scientific process, taken out of context and....
In this special episode RAN's Greenwash of the Week looks at Earth Day Greenwashing.

We love Earth Day but so do some of the dirtiest corporations on the planet. Why? ...

An ad the oil companies should do. "Because a clean ocean is a great photo opportunity...

It's an alternative to cap and trade and sounds interesting. Here's a good article on Huff Post;
The CLEAR Act is Senators...